Monday, August 3, 2015

Help protect your loved ones’ financial future with Life insurance

A summer’s evening spent by a campfire, the sound of your children’s laughter as they play on the beach, grilling your “famous” burgers at an afternoon picnic ... there are many enjoyable ways to spend a summer weekend, and these events are usually made all the more special with family as part of them. You hope these traditions are passed down, and that your family has many days filled with similar memories in their future.
Unfortunately, simply wanting the best for those you love isn’t enough: no one can guarantee they will always be there to care for loved ones. Life insurance can help protect your family, however, by lessening the financial impact of your loss if your family has to carry on without you.

Life insurance can help loved ones

Life insurance can help protect your spouse and children from potentially devastating financial losses that can result if you were to die prematurely. Too often, when an income earner dies, survivors are forced to make tough financial decisions at a time when they may not be in a position emotionally to do so. Life insurance would provide your survivors a chance to adjust to this change over time, instead of having to look immediately for a new residence or a higher-paying job. Some of the ways life insurance can help your family include:
  • Providing income in a time of need:  While life insurance won’t replace you, it can help replace some or all of your income if you die. It can help cover the cost of funeral expenses, be used to pay off debts, and help with day-to-day living expenses such as food, clothing and housing. It can help longer term goals, such college tuition or retirement plans, become a reality.
  • Assisting with household needs:  Something that can get overlooked is the financial value a stay-at-home parent provides. The services they provide are invaluable to a family. In the event of the loss of a stay-at-home parent, life insurance can help pay for important household services like childcare, transportation and general household duties.
  • Supplying financial benefits during your lifetime:  If you choose Whole Life insurance, the cash value of your policy increases over time and you can access those funds for a variety of needs. 1 These funds can be used to help pay for life events such as buying a home, a wedding, or educational expenses. Whole Life insurance can also provide the ability to take out a loan from your policy at a lower rate than banks offer, to add to an investment portfolio or to supplement your retirement income.

Give those you love a lasting gift

Whether for their family, a spouse or an essential business partner, people purchase life insurance to help those they care about have a more secure financial future. You can do this for those important to you as well. Start a new tradition and make life insurance a part of your family legacy. It may end up being the most valuable one of all. Contact me today and we can get started.
To speak to a representative with Farmers about Life Insurance or other products, call us at Farmers Insurance - The Wertzberger Agency at 913-383-3276 or email us HERE

1Policy loans and withdrawals will reduce cash surrender value and death benefit. Policy loans are subject to interest charges. If your policy is a modified endowment contract, loans and withdrawals may be subject to taxes and penalties.

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