Did you know you should have a meeting with your Insurance Agent at least once a year? Most people don’t and they never give it a second thought.
These kinds of things are important to update. Your doctor’s office makes you update your information every year so why not your Insurance Agency too. Having the correct information for you means we can work better so that your needs are met. If you forgot to pay your bill and I don’t have a phone number or email address how can I remind you? Sure we could mail you a reminder but who reads all that junk mail anyway?
If you haven’t seen or heard from your Insurance Agent since you wrote your policy you’re not being taken care of. Every time something in your life changes it can affect your policies. If you add-on a new room to your house you want that new room to have coverage. If you get a new car you should let your Agent know.
Those are the obvious ones but have you thought to check to make sure your brother would be covered to borrow your car? Believe it or not, some companies don’t offer coverage to a driver not listed on the policy. How do you know if your policy is one that does? You ask of course! And what better time to ask than at your annual review?
Here at The Wertzberger Agency we take the time to do reviews with our clients at least once a year. Our clients are always welcome to call at any time with changes or questions and those are the things that make us stand out in a crowd.
We will take the time to look for additional discounts you may now qualify for while your here. At the same time, we want to make sure you have ample coverage for your assets. Can you see the importance of a review with your insurance agent yet?